There are a lot of cool games you can play on XBOX 360 and PS3, but when it comes to split-screen co-op games, the list is not so crowded.
These youtube videos shows the most important split-screen games for XBOX 360 and PS3, with a short review for each game: (Campaign, Graphics, Story, Difficulty, Time to complete, Screen, Controls, Offline MultiPlayer, Online MultiPlayer, Gameplay overal)
This is the list of the games and notes you have seen above, with the Amazon buy link:
10:Warhawk PS3 - 6,7
9:Call of duty:world at war XBOX 360 - 7,0
8:Haze PS3 - 7,1
7:Halo3 XBOX 360 - 7,2
6:Resistance:fall of man PS3 - 7,6
5:Gears of war XBOX 360 - 7,8
4:Army of two XBOX 360, PS3 - 7,9
3:Left 4 dead XBOX 360 Notes:8,2
2:Gears of war2 XBOX 360 - 8,8
1:Resistance2 PS3 - 9,2
Thanks AMCDarkness
Don't forget to check top 10 Xbox games in 2011
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