Control Surface for Your Home Recording Studio

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I wrote last year on how to set your home recording studio. I will get into producing music today. Any producer needs a control surface when making his instrumentals.

There are multiple midi keyboards/control surfaces alternatives, but the best can be found in the following list: novation,m-audio,akai,cakewalk,edirol,korg.

M-Audio Trigger Finger

For low budget home recording studios I recommend m-audio and akai. In this video he presented M-Audio Trigger Finger Drum Pad Control Surface. The main features of this USB powered control surface are 8 assignable knobs, 4 assignable faders. You'll also find on this board 16 velocity and pressure-sensitive pads. You'll be able to assign individual pressure on each pad. The control board features pre-programmed maps for Reason, Live, GM Drum, XG Drum, iDrum, and more make setup a snap

You can read more on home recording studio blog.

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