Telekinesis is real

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Telekinesis is no longer a Sci-Fi or Paranormal subject. Right now, people all over the world are moving objects with their mind with the help of technology. Brain-computer interfaces are here, enabling neuro-prosthetics, brain-powered wheelchairs, and even thought-controlled pinball machines. The trouble is that using brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) requires a huge amount of concentration and it's hard to use it more than an hour. At present a research group at the Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland is doing work to clear this trouble, by masterminding BCIs that grant users to breathe their brains--and even to multitask.

Another team of computer scientists from Germany made possible for a car to be driven only with the power of thoughts. The driver is equipped with EEG sensors connected to a computer. The computer picks the driver's intention to steer left or right, and executes it. Although this is only a demonstration, it's amazing how far science has gone...

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